Monday, April 27, 2009

Tooth Ache?

I have a problem with one of my teeth. It is in the upper back portion of my mouth. Above the tooth, there is a pocket of fluid that if I press on it, it hurts. I get this problem about once a month. Yes I will see a dentist. But I want to know from you guys if you've had the same problem what the outcome was. If I do have to have a root canal, how much does that cost?

Tooth Ache?
I've had an abscess like that before, they're definitely not pleasant. You may be prescribed antibiotics for it, but they'll probably have to do something about it as well.

I recently had a root canal, and we were told that the pricing (at least where I had it done) depended on how many canals were in the tooth. Mine was over 850$ but under 900$ (I can't remember precisely), and I had just three canals in the tooth. It might have been up to 100$ more had there been a fourth canal, which they apparently don't really know until they get in there (you'll have either three or four).

In any case, if you're insured or if you can afford it... seriously, get it done as soon as possible. I was a bit nervous about it, but for me it was totally painless, and an enormous relief afterwards.
Reply:you may have an abscess... an infection of the root. depending on how bad it is you may need a root canal, you could possibly lose a tooth. as for cost... it depends. my friend had a root canal without insurance and it was about $900.
Reply:Sounds like an abcess. Might get by with just having it drained and antibiotics. My root canal (for different reason) was about $500.

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