Monday, April 27, 2009

Tooth ache?

How common is it for you to have severe tooth aches and for them to go completely bad during early pregnancy?

Tooth ache?
Common if you do not take your prenatals and even if you do it may still not be enough calcium to keep healthy teeth. Your baby gets your calcium first %26amp; then you. I could not keep enough calcium in my body even with prenatals %26amp; extra calcium suppliment. I had 2 cavitys prior to getting pregnant I put them offwhen I knew I was pregnant. 2 months after giving birth in extreme pain the last 3 months of pregnancy from my teeth I went to the dentist, needed 5 root canals= 12,000 dollars. If you have bad tooth pain call your OB they will allow you to get it fixed less pain meds though (preferably after 1st trimester. Also ask your OB to give you exra calcium you do not want to be where I me! Good luck
Reply:It's very common for women to have problems with their pregnancy during and after pregnancy due to the fact the woman's calcium levels go down a lot especially if you breast feed.
Reply:It is crazy I seem to have really bad toothache when I am pregnant and I mean that hurt. I used abersol for the pain, because if you need any kind of surgery now you cant because of pregnancy. Make sure you are taking you vitamin everyday and drinking plenty of milk.

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