Monday, April 27, 2009

Tooth Ache?

Have a tooth that is cracked off only one part of the tooth left can't get into a dentist for another 2 weeks and its killing me have already tried disolving an asprin on it don't work ambesol dont work can someone please give me something that does work for a tooth ache please

Tooth Ache?
i recently had this problem as well. this may sound dumb but i read online (not always the best place to find things but i was desparate for relief) to take vanilla extract and put it directly on the tooth. i tried it, it does work but not for very long and it just kinda numbs it enough to manage. another thing i did was bought a dentafix kit at the drugstore (cost 3 bucks) and its a temp filling you apply yourself and had numbing agents in it. that took my pain away completely and i havent had a problem since. you can also put sraight clove oil on the tooth this will numb it for a few hours, but tastes like crap. hope this helps you some.
Reply:Try rinsing your mouth out with warm salt water or gargling in Listerine mouth wash.Orajel is better than ambesol and try taking extra strength Tylenol.I would also make another call to your Dentist and tell him or her if any cancellation come up please call you.
Reply:Sounds like an abcess, if asprin's not working. You might need antibiotics. If you are in that much pain, the dentist can't turn you away. Good luck!
Reply:Since you can't get into your dentist for 2 weeks, then call another one or see if your dentist can call you in some pain medicine to your pharmacy! Rinse with salt water to help keep that area clean! People tell me that Oil of cloves works but it hasn't for me. Another thing that helps me is to get a cool wet washcloth and put it on the outside of my jaw were the tooth is that hurts.Keep the washcloth cool. I hope you feel better soon!

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