Monday, April 27, 2009

Tooth ache?

I have a holein my back tooth but I think theres also a wisdom tooth coming in is there anything I can do for the pain besides going to the dentist?

Tooth ache?
take some pain killers, but its better you see the dentist because the the one before the wisdom tooth can get damaged, which is an important tooth.
Reply:sound funny but i used teething gel it numbs it and stops the pain:)
Reply:they ay cloves help but you can go to the pharmacy and get oragel for a tooth ache till you see a dentist to fix it, there's no way around it unless you know how to pull your own teeth
Reply:Clove oil:Is great to use for toothaches. Apply a little on the affected tooth for some time and then rinse with warm water. Boil 5 grams of fresh peppermint in 1 cup water with a little salt. And rinse mouth well with this .Peppermint is an antiseptic and contains menthol which relives pain .Try out for more details.
Reply:To get the prob sorted long term you are going to have to go to the dentist.

Mean time you can do a few things, try to keep the area where the wisdom tooth is coming through very clean, rinse out with Hot salty mouthwash (cup hot water from tap, tea spoon of salt) not very nice taste but works wonders! or you could use and antibacterial mouth wash, Chlorhexidine mouthwash (corsodyl is the trade name) Use mouth wash after every meal to stop food trapping.

Pain killers should help with the pain, Ibuprofen is the best as it is an anti-inflammatory, follow instructions on the packet and dont take any more than recommended dose.

If you find the Ibuprofen isnt taking the pain away you can also take paracetamol along with ibuprofen, you take a dose of Ibuprofen, then few hours later a dose of paracetamol, few hours later back to ibuprofen and continue on like that.

Both Ibuprofen and paracetamol will target the pain in 2 different ways.

Remember no more than 8 tablets of paracetamol, and no more than 6 x 200mg tablets of ibuprofen in 24hour!!

Dont use clove oil, it just burns your gum, and teething gel only numbs the gum for a few seconds, painkillers will work best.

Make that appointment for the dentist 2moro!!
Reply:Clove oil, peppermint, salt water rinses, or regular over the counter pain meds, but don't wait too long to get to the dentist.
Reply:if there is decay i wouldnt suggest leaving it go as it will just get worse
Reply:oral gel and pain reliever meds like advil. get a tooth paste for senstive teeth. you might have to see a dentist if it gets any worse. also you can try a little bit of whisky.

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