Monday, April 27, 2009

Tooth ache?

my 12 year old has a broken moler shes in pain and tylenol or iburofen is not help just wondering if any one know any way to help the pain?

Tooth ache?
Well, did the tooth just come off? If yes, then I would recommend doing a mouthwash with luke warm water and salt...

Or else, you can use alternative pain killers (ask a pharmacist)

~Hope she feels better
Reply:get some dental help
Reply:Make an emergency dental the meantime, you might try having her swish warm salt water in that area of the mouth...has worked for me in the past (very short term relief)
Reply:until you can get her to a dentist, get a bc powder and tell the 12 year old to put it directly on that tooth it will help for a little bit but i would take her to the er or dentist asap.
Reply:A dentist might work

Tooth ache?

i have taken ibeprofen and tyelone but neither work i have my wisdom teeth that are fallen apart what should i do? i am in sereve pain i cant even sleep cuz of it!

Tooth ache?
for the meatime suck on ice it helps sooth it and go to the pharmasist and ask for stronger medication.
Reply:go to the dentist
Reply:get your teeth extracted. you are risking a severe infection that, worse case senario, could make you very very ill and you could even happens!

get your teeth extracted.
Reply:I had that same feeling before finding out I had an abcessed tooth, which was 10x worse than the pain you're in. I took excedrin and used ice to numb the side it hurts also I used alot of orajel, if I were you I would immediately schedule a denstist appointment to get it filled or checked out. They recently filled my abcess and let me tell you it feel great not being in that pain anymore.

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Tooth ache?

My teeth have been killing me since saturday night.. idk what it is from... i brush and floss normally and cant figure out why the whole left side of my mouth is hurting this bad... last night i was in tears and couldnt sleep at all.... i cant seem to get a dentist apt until next week sometime.. what can i do to stop the pain? (oragel doesnt work..) help!!!!!!

Tooth ache?
try red cross, its like orajel but omg it works so fast and so much better.
Reply:motrin should help the pain a bit, you should try a different dentist.
Reply:Try taking asprin, it can really block the pain. You should probably take 2 at a time. And one every like 6 hours or so.
Reply:GOTO the dentist. it sounds like you may have an infection. If that is the case, your mouth and nose are like direct portals to your brain as far as infection goes. Get it checked out right away.
Reply:It sounds nasty, but take an aspirin and chew it up and let it sit on the tooth that's hurting. Try not to taste it. That's what worked for me.
Reply:Sounds like you need a root canal. I would see your dentist and he/she will probably recomend you see and endodontist. I was and endodontist asst for years and thats what it sounds like.
Reply:the best thing to do is take pain killers until you can see a dentist
Reply:If its a gum problem, mix hydrogen peroxide with some baking soda, till its a paste and brush with that. Its gonna hurt like hell but do that 2 times in a day and it feels so much better. Ifs its a toothe problem you probibly cant do anything w/o medical help.
Reply:go get some amoxycillin from the pharmacist, it sounds very much like you have an infection/abscess.
Reply:several "whole" cloves wrapped in cheese cloth. put that on the site and let it stay there for about an hour. will help along with pain relievers and oragel extra strength. also rinse with warm salt water throughout the day to relieve soreness.
Reply:pain killers
Reply:If it isn't a cavity it could be a bad nerve in a tooth that needs a root canal work. It is normally in teeth that have already been previously filled.

You could just have neuralgia or food caught down between a tooth and the gum line.

Take Advil or ibuprofen and try a heating pad on it.

Till you can get to a dentist.
Reply:take some motrin.. and also gargle with salt water.. If it is a tooth ache and you have a cavity the salt will start healing the infection.. do it every day until the dentist and you may not need an antibiotic if it is infected.. this is a tried and true method.. my mother always said that salt water helps a soar throat and a tooth ache.. I hope you feel better.. if its really killing you after even doing this you will need to be seen on an emergency basis.. hope you feel better soon.
Reply:you should try motrin or advil ......but i would say got to your dentist and check it out......hope u feel better
Reply:Call different dentist and when you are on the phone you have to really tell them you are in a lot of pain. A good dentist will make a quick appt if they know you are in a lot of pain. A tooth could be abscess and in that case you really need an appointment quickly. You could have an infection. If you can't get a dentist appt go to the emergency room you could need antibiotics.
Reply:do you have your wisdom teeth---if so it may be from that--you may have an abscess starting--I would call the dentist back and tell them you need an emergency appt due to the pain--most dentists have available openings daily for emergencies--but, only if the patient asks--if they don't have any appts. ask them to phone in a prescription for Motrin at least--they sould be okay with that since it's not a narcotic--generally with narcotics, they want to see you first ex. of narcotic is Vicodin
Reply:It sounds like you have an infection. .. call around and see if there is a dentist who can take you in sooner.

Gargling with salt water may help them infection, but most importantly diligent about being seen immediately.

Tooth ache!!?

I've had terrible pains in my back teeth when I eat sweet things ... I've visited the dentist and there are not cavities what so ever... What could be the problem??

Tooth ache!!?
It's simple, get a soft bristle toothbrush and a toothpaste for sensitive teeth you may have what is call tooth abrasion, when you brush hard you are brushing your gums and enamel away causing this problem. if this doesn't work go to see another dentist for a second opinion good luck!
Reply:Teeth get sensitive from eating acidic foods (lots of sugar) the teeth will be sensitive to temperatures and more sugary things from the wearing away of the enamel. lay off of the ice cream and the candy and you'll be fine. trust me it works.

OH! and dont brush your teeth too hard 'til they aren't sensitive anymore brush gently. And NO mouth wash!!!

Reply:Sensetive teeth. Try a toothpaste such as sensodine. Might help!
Reply:Do you chew on them? Maybe your teeth are just sore or something. Try not eating sweet things.
Reply:Ask the dentist about the possibility of an infection.
Reply:sensitive teeth . i have them tyt different tothpaste it starts sens or somthing
Reply:Could be teeth grinding if only in the it your teeth that hurt or your gums? If only gums get some sensodyne and orajel, if teeth maybe need a mouth guard
Reply:ouch!! do u eat candy? because when you eat hard things, it peels your skin off and bacteria enters the scratch. try using Anebesol. it helps like a lot! it takes the pain in 2 or 3 hours. and try not to eat any sweets or hard food. eat softer things. it helps a million!!!!!!!
Reply:Go to the dentist.

Tooth ache?

Help - I got one of my fillings taken out and put back in this morning and now my WHOLE mouth really hurts - it feels like all of my teeth have been tampered with.

What can I do to get rid of the pain ? I dont agree with painkillers - too many chemicals in them

Tooth ache?
I had a BAD toothache last night. Waiting on tax check to get it pulled. Try getting an old but clean sock and fill it with rice. Tie the end off and put in teh microwave for 30 seconds.
Reply:dab whisky on the affected area
Reply:rub your mouth with some ambesol, its liquid you can buy from any chemist and its for toothache, ulcers etc.
Reply:oil of cloves is good for toothache - from chemist
Reply:get some clove oil and apply it to the affected areas, it works better than any other over the counter toothache reliever. just make sure you don't swallow it.
Reply:best if you take some cloves...its natural and has anethestic properties as well antibacterial...this will heal your mouth.good luck!
Reply:If you don't like painkillers then only ice would be able to numb it. I don't know if you Ambesol to be a pain killer, but ambesol is recomended by dentists for numbing anykind of tooth pain. If you seldom take pain killers then I doubt the chemicals in Tylenol or Ibuprophen will harm you. They are really only harmful if you take them all the time. Why make yourself suffer, life is too short.

Tooth ache.?

Any way to stop pain.?

I drank hot coffee right after having a glass of cold water since then im having strange kinda pain on my bottom teeth?

My teeth is perfect there is no cavity but for some strange reason its paining can someone please tell me a easy way to stop this pain.

Thanks in advance.

Tooth ache.?
Go to the dentist. but for temperary relief you can use sweet oil on your tooth.
Reply:You are describing symptoms typical of an abscess. Go to a dentist. There is probably a cavity that started in between your teeth that is just hidden from your view in a normal mirror. Your dentist can get you out of pain. Call NOW before the office closes.
Reply:You have sensitive teeth. I have the same thing. Try brushing with Sensodyne or other sensitive teeth toothpaste. Unless you see a crack or chip, you shouldn't have anything to worry about.
Reply:Could it just be wisdom teeth coming in? Put some clove oil on it to deal with the pain, I did. now before it gets worse...that does not sound good
Reply:You probably have a cavity or some kind of tooth decay that you probably cant see. Only way to be sure and get rid of it would be to visit the dentist.
Reply:go to the dentist..thats the best (:
Reply:Is it a deep throbbing pain? Does the pain go away after you gargle with ice-cold water? If so, you may need a root canal! Your tooth is dying. Go see a dentist.

If a light dull pain, you may have sensitive teeth... take a painkiller like aspirin or tylenol and see a dentist... tehy can de-sensitize your teeth.
Reply:reacting after going from cold to hot drinks sounds like your gums might be sensitive. Since you relate this like it's a one time occurance (so far) I would gargle with warm salt water as it's very soothing and healing, try a sensitive teeth toothpaste and get a gum stimulater at your local drug store to massage and strengthen the gums. If it continues though, see a dentist
Reply:Hi looked up your asked question coz i need a favor, but 1st things 1st. ----Either apply Glycerin or Toothpaste on the tooth you have the pain and leave it for few mins and rinse it clean, you may not have any cavities but what i know from my experiences is that it may be a food allergy, i.e food residue which you cannot reach....see a dentist.---- i need a favor from you, can you please send me an invitation for Desi torrents at , thank you.

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Tooth Ache?

My big sister says her tooth hurts. How can we tell if it's a cavity?

Tooth Ache?
It's Probably gone further than a cavity... It might be time for a Root canal... Sorry! Advil worked great for a toothache I had..

Reply:look and see it theres a big dark hole in the tooth.
Reply:look at the tooth, is it gray or black...
Reply:contact a dentist.
Reply:Go visit dentist. U will get the result rather than giving wrong guessing. Cos' personally myself feel the pain from my stupid tooth before really damm painful %26amp; distracting! Ouch!
Reply:Look at the tooth that hurts and see if you see a black spot and if you do she's got one. Tell her no more sweets!

Tooth Ache?

Every 4 or 5 days I get a light toothache.

It doesn't last long, maybe 15 minutes or less.

Do you think my tooth is damaged???

Tooth Ache?
you should certainly go the Dentist, before the condition worsens. My husband had a similar experience; we waited until it became worse and his pain became unbearable. He needed a root canal, or extraction. He chose to have it extracted due to the cost. If you need an inexpensive Dental Plan you may want to consider:

Take Care!
Reply:possibly. May have a cavity or something irritating it, causing the ache. Rinsing w warm/hot water may do the trick.
Reply:You should go to a dentist to get a more accurate answer. You didn't mention what area of the mouth you're experiencing pain.

If you have consistent pain like you mentioned, it could be many things such as decay, 3rd molars erupting and crowding teeth, infections, or general tooth sensitivity.
Reply:Need to go to the dentist ASAP! If your tooth is aching on its own,you might be needing a Root Canal..Do not wait before it abscess on you.

Good luck!
Reply:it could be abcessed, the dentist can x-ray it. get your bite checked and get a night guard made or buy one at wal-mart pharmacy

Tooth ache?

what does it mean when your tooth starts off very sensitive to cold, then it becomes sensitive to pressure (chewing, even touching).

Tooth ache?
It alerts you. In order to give a proper answer to your question I should know the reason such as gum diseases, overpressure of antagonist tooth, clenching, malocclusion, etc...
Reply:Could possibly be infected. I would recommend getting in touch with your dentist to have this evaluated to see what they think is going on.
Reply:that you have sensitive teeth and may have a cavity starting.

try using sensitive toothpaste and applying clove oil until you can get to a dentist for a check up :)
Reply:It is a sign that you toothbrush is too tough and you are brushing too hard. What happens is that the outer layer of the tooth (enamel) is getting thinner and this is causing the inner layer (dentine) to be expose. This is where the nerves are will cause your tooth to be sensitive to pressure, hot or cold etc.
Reply:I have heard of headache. What is this toothaache? tooth is a bone.You may apply MUCOPAIN CREAM

Tooth ache?

does anyone have any idea how to kill tooth pain, im in agony here and there are no after hours dentists unless i have $360 up front...any pain releif suggestions that i wont need a prescription for?

Tooth ache?
painkillers are going to be in the only thing that will help possibly, but u did not really give much detail on type of pain or area, i pressume ure in the US i am in UK and we rec nurofen extra which has codeine in it, for toothache, those dentists are heartless to not see you unless you have the money upfront. lot of money as well

good luck i hope u find a solution
Reply:take 2 paracetamol and 2 hours later take 2 ibuprofen.

stick to it on the hour!!! or you'll run the risk of overdose.

it's a little like morphine if you take it like this.
Reply:take some excedrine then go to the store and get some oragel.
Reply:I am in the same boat as you in agony..trying to find an afterhours dentist to pull this darn wisdom tooth out..they want $750!! ouch....having no coverage really sucks. Regarding your pain...I am taking large amounts of Motrin which is excellent for toothache...also I have tylenol #2 I am also applying Orajel on the site about evey hour or so to attempt to freeze the pain. Do you think your tooth area is infected? If so you will need to clear up the infection before they can operate...good luck, I truly do know how you feel...I want to cry with this pain and go into the tool box and find something to do the dirty job! But I guess I have to wait. Go to the pharmacists and get some Motrin and Orajel..... good luck.

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Tooth ache?!?

i have a really bad ache on the bottom right side of my mouth. i cant get into my dentist office and i leave tomorrow!

Tooth ache?!?
All you need right now is an antibiotic to calm the infection down, contact your dentist or physician and see if they will call you in an antibiotic.
Reply:TOOTHACHES or shall we say strange pain on one of your teeth or the gum-line is usually the starting point of A MORE SEVERE or WORST DENTAL PROBLEM. Aside from giving you sleepless nights of painful miseries and difficult chewing, it could actually threaten your health and worst could kill you. Before it's too late, get dental health care advices and solutions at and free yourself from the dangers of dental problems.
Reply:If you're not too concerned about how much it costs, then go see a dentist wherever your are going. I'm going to assume that you are going on vacation, since it is the summer. If you find a dentist wherever you are going, then they will probably see you as an emergency patient and at least get you a prescription that will relieve your pain. Otherwise go to your regular medical doctor and tell them your situation. They will completely understand and write you a couple of prescriptions for antibiotics and pain medication so that you can have relief until you can see a dentist.
Reply:go to the emergency room.

Tooth Ache?

I have a problem with one of my teeth. It is in the upper back portion of my mouth. Above the tooth, there is a pocket of fluid that if I press on it, it hurts. I get this problem about once a month. Yes I will see a dentist. But I want to know from you guys if you've had the same problem what the outcome was. If I do have to have a root canal, how much does that cost?

Tooth Ache?
I've had an abscess like that before, they're definitely not pleasant. You may be prescribed antibiotics for it, but they'll probably have to do something about it as well.

I recently had a root canal, and we were told that the pricing (at least where I had it done) depended on how many canals were in the tooth. Mine was over 850$ but under 900$ (I can't remember precisely), and I had just three canals in the tooth. It might have been up to 100$ more had there been a fourth canal, which they apparently don't really know until they get in there (you'll have either three or four).

In any case, if you're insured or if you can afford it... seriously, get it done as soon as possible. I was a bit nervous about it, but for me it was totally painless, and an enormous relief afterwards.
Reply:you may have an abscess... an infection of the root. depending on how bad it is you may need a root canal, you could possibly lose a tooth. as for cost... it depends. my friend had a root canal without insurance and it was about $900.
Reply:Sounds like an abcess. Might get by with just having it drained and antibiotics. My root canal (for different reason) was about $500.

Tooth ache?

hey i finally got my tooth pulled, yeah, but it still hurts he said the nerve was just like hanging outta my tooth anyways i got it pulled Thursday and it still hurts he put me on Amoxicillian but it still throbbing a good bit. And yes im 21 wks pregnant Should is still be hurting???????????????????

Tooth ache?
I dont know why, but the 3rd day after having the tooth removed is the worst. The pain should start to lighten up after that!
Reply:I had a root canal while I was pregnant. And let me tell you, I was in horrible pain for a long time. The dentist told me its because they cant give you as strong as medicine as someone thats not pregnant.
Reply:Any time you get a tooth pulled it is going to hurt for a little while after. And you may have pieces of tooth or bone that are trying to work their way out. Or you may have dry socket. If you do you will have to go back to the dentist.
Reply:did you drink from a straw after you had it pulled?you can get dry socket if you did.

Tooth ache?

i was at the dentist just a month ago, got a few fillings done. one of my tooth started becoming sensitive to cold, or perhaps it was always sensitive, anyhow, recently, it started hurting like a throb on and off, and it hurts when i put pressure on it, like when i chew. what could this possibly mean, would the dentist have picked up the cavity under the already filled tooth if one existed?

Tooth ache?
There could have been alot of decay in that particular tooth. Sometimes a tooth nerve can be irreversibly damaged even if the decay doesn't actually expose the nerve. If there is an old filling in a tooth, an additional cavity often times does not show up on an x-ray. The additive trauma of replacing the old filling may have also caused the nerve to be irreversibly damaged.This happens often. You may need a root canal.

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Tooth ache?

I have a holein my back tooth but I think theres also a wisdom tooth coming in is there anything I can do for the pain besides going to the dentist?

Tooth ache?
take some pain killers, but its better you see the dentist because the the one before the wisdom tooth can get damaged, which is an important tooth.
Reply:sound funny but i used teething gel it numbs it and stops the pain:)
Reply:they ay cloves help but you can go to the pharmacy and get oragel for a tooth ache till you see a dentist to fix it, there's no way around it unless you know how to pull your own teeth
Reply:Clove oil:Is great to use for toothaches. Apply a little on the affected tooth for some time and then rinse with warm water. Boil 5 grams of fresh peppermint in 1 cup water with a little salt. And rinse mouth well with this .Peppermint is an antiseptic and contains menthol which relives pain .Try out for more details.
Reply:To get the prob sorted long term you are going to have to go to the dentist.

Mean time you can do a few things, try to keep the area where the wisdom tooth is coming through very clean, rinse out with Hot salty mouthwash (cup hot water from tap, tea spoon of salt) not very nice taste but works wonders! or you could use and antibacterial mouth wash, Chlorhexidine mouthwash (corsodyl is the trade name) Use mouth wash after every meal to stop food trapping.

Pain killers should help with the pain, Ibuprofen is the best as it is an anti-inflammatory, follow instructions on the packet and dont take any more than recommended dose.

If you find the Ibuprofen isnt taking the pain away you can also take paracetamol along with ibuprofen, you take a dose of Ibuprofen, then few hours later a dose of paracetamol, few hours later back to ibuprofen and continue on like that.

Both Ibuprofen and paracetamol will target the pain in 2 different ways.

Remember no more than 8 tablets of paracetamol, and no more than 6 x 200mg tablets of ibuprofen in 24hour!!

Dont use clove oil, it just burns your gum, and teething gel only numbs the gum for a few seconds, painkillers will work best.

Make that appointment for the dentist 2moro!!
Reply:Clove oil, peppermint, salt water rinses, or regular over the counter pain meds, but don't wait too long to get to the dentist.
Reply:if there is decay i wouldnt suggest leaving it go as it will just get worse
Reply:oral gel and pain reliever meds like advil. get a tooth paste for senstive teeth. you might have to see a dentist if it gets any worse. also you can try a little bit of whisky.

Tooth ache???

I went to the dentist because of a toothache, she took a xray, and looked at the tooth. She said she did not think that it was coming from the tooth. She said that I dont even have a cavity on it. She said i could have a infection in my gums. So she gave me a sntibiotic. She said that I also really need a cleaning. Well I have finished with my antibiotics and it still hurts? I do go for a cleaning. but in the meantime what could it be??

Tooth ache???
If you have not had a cleaning in many years the tartar/calculus buildup beneath the gums in big spikes causing gingival irritation/infection that doesn't completely resolve until the calculus is removed. Antibiotics help slightly but not that much with gums. Try keeping your teeth as clean as possible with hydrogen peroxide rinses daily this will help keep the bacteria count down and relieve some of that inflammation until you get them cleaned.
Reply:Do you bite down and grind your teeth a lot?

I went in for a tooth ache and they asked if I was stressed. Turns out I bite down hard on my teeth and don't realize it.

There working on getting me a guard for my teeth so I'm not grinding my teeth as much.



Tooth ache?

so i went to the dentists about a month ago, and he said that i had a deep cavity almost a root canal, and he didnt know until he gt in. so then he says that its not a root canal and uses a drill bith that would just shake my whole head.he had said that it can develop into a root canal, but he siad that he took out the hole cavity. is he for real? for the first couple of weeks, i felt pain in the tooth and then it went away. and now its really really sensitive to cold water, but only that tooth that he used that bit on. and now that tooth is like throbing with pain, but just an irritating pain not a im goin to die pain. i have to brush my teeth with warm water, and i dont think that i will ever go back t that dentist again. so bad. o my question is, do i have a root canal? and what would u think i have and what would u reccomend me t do about this pain?

Tooth ache?
man i feel your makes me want to throw up.. having tooth ache is what i hate the most of all bodly pains..i would take ibuprofen like help me..get second opinions cause it could defintly be a root canal..get that taken care of soon!!!!
Reply:I would ask around for a good dentist and go see someone else. I've had some tooth irritation after getting a cavity filled and especially when it was deep in there.
Reply:so go to different dentist.
Reply:I'm a dental assistant and it sounds like he may want to adjust the occussion first to see if it is related to just biting pressures that are tramatizing the tooth. it is true that you never know how deep decay is until you get in there so it could be that the tooth is still in shock but if in some case if the tooth doesn't recover it will need root canal therapy. a root canal means that the nerve is removed and so the tooth becomes brittle because their is no blood flow, so you usually don't feel pain from that tooth, but because it is brittle the tooth is likey to fail in the future.
Reply:You should go back to your dentist. It sounds as if you may well need a root canal which is what your doctor first told you. More than likely he was trying to see if you could avoid that. Sometimes a tooth will calm down. Maybe your radiograph xray didn't present a clear cut problem when you were first there? One of the reasons you should return to your dentist is because he is the most familiar with your case. He'll be able to take a new xray and compare it to the previous one to see if there are any changes. Given the pain that you've described my best guess is that the nerve of your tooth is involved. Your condition is not called you "having a root canal" may NEED a root canal to remove the inflamed/infected nerves in the canals of this tooth. Most patients feel relief once the tooth is opened up to perform the root canal. ( kind of like opening the lid of a pressure cooker to let the steam out ).You'll be totally numb during the entire procedure. Personally, I think the hardest part is just keeping your mouth open. Once you have a root canal you will need a crown placed on this tooth. Once you remove the nerves in a tooth, the tooth loses some of its blood supply. So, it's just a matter of time before the tooth will become dry and brittle and ultimately very likely will break. You don't want this to happen because then you'll be faced with more expensive options to replace this missing/broken tooth.......such as a bridge or an implant. So, IF you in fact need a root canal, don't just assume you're free and clear once the pain is gone. Make sure that you complete your treatment by having a crown placed on the tooth. If you truly were not comfortable with your dentist, you can request your xray and see a new dentist for an eval. Sometimes a tooth is sensitive after a deep filling, but you need to have a new xray taken to see what's really going on for sure. I hope that helps......good luck :)

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Tooth Ache?

" Yes not to long ago, I had got my teeth filled, and omg everything was alright with my right side, but as soon as my left side was filled, thats when it all went down hill. Now one of my tooths sting. everytime I eat or drink something cold. And on top of that, to make matters even worse, I've been drinking some juice, and I think one of my tooths that got filled has a whole in it. Because the liquid travels into my mouth and when it gets around the tooth, it feels like a drain, like the juice is going down and it hurts really bad.. crying . I don't know what to do, and I don't want to go back to the dentist. "

Tooth Ache?
it could b that the filling didn't seal properly, especially if you had a tooth colored filling. u have to go back or at least go to another dentist to see what's going on. if it was a deep filling, your nerve may b irritated. some amount of sensitivity is normal for a couple weeks.
Reply:even though you dont want to, it is more than batently obvious that you need to go back to correct it.
Reply:you have to so they can fix it for you.
Reply:You really need to go back to your dentist. It could be that the filling has fallen out or that the filling has caused the nerve in your tooth to become inflamed. Either way, only your dentist can fix it.
Reply:oh hunny go back to the dentist and get tha checked

u can get that infected

poor babe

hope u get better
Reply:get so toothpaste for sensitive teeth and gums and brush three times a day. Your tooth should feel better in about a week. The whole hole in the tooth thing needs to be checked out by a dentist. If there is indeed a hole and liquid is draining in there it could get infected and you will be in a lot more pain.

Good luck and bursh harder.
Reply:Sometimes if a filling was very deep or large it can cause sensitivity. Also, sometimes the filling might be a little high and banging on it with your other teeth can case you pain. If after a week the pain does not go away you should go back to your dentist.
Reply:1. do you actually feel a hole with your tongue where you say it feels like one and 2 the pain from the feeling of cold can be alleviated by using some toothpastes designed for sensitive teeth.

I believe you do need to contact the dentist to ask why you are feeling this way or call another dentist for a second opinion if you feel you will get the run around from the first.
Reply:You need to go back to the dentist immediately. You can expect some sensitivity, depending on the depth of the cavity preparation, (how deep he drilled), but he should have used a coating to reduce sensitivity before filling.

Another possibility is that depending on your eating habits, you could have caused enough stress to the filling, causing tiny fractures. This can happen when you eat something hot, and the cold, immediately, or if you chew ice, grind your teeth, etc.

In any case, the dentist should be able to determine the cause with a simple exam, and replace the filling if need be.

Tooth ache?

For two days my lower front teeth have been extremely painful and i don't know why, its like a severe ache and its really hurts.

what could it be?

Tooth ache?
could be a cavity if you can not get to a doctor get some salt water and gargle and take ibuprofen
Reply:If you cant make it to the dentist, then you need to rinse your mouth out with Listerine, not any kind of Listerine, but the regular kind...the nasty will help get rid of any gingivitis and will stop it from hurting also until you go see the dentist..
Reply:It might be an abscess, or you might have some root exposure.

If it's root exposure it would be sensitive to cold and touch.

Have you had any trauma to the area within the last week? Is there any obvious decay? When you bite together do you notice that you hit hard on those teeth? Check to see if you have any pus draining or bright red areas around the tooth/gum area. Either way you're going to need to see your dentist
Reply:well it could be a filling is out, hole in your tooth and the cold wind has entered it, or just jaw ache visit your dentist immediately or you have wisdom problems
Reply:The good old fashion way: rinse your mouth with salt water to keep it clean and get to the dentist if possible
Reply:sounds like your nerve is sensitive but you can try Oil of cloves you can bye it from the local supermarket rub on your gums and it will go very numb

Don`t get this oil on your tongue ..........................Change your tooth brush to a soft head and buy sensitive tooth paste

Other wise go to your Dentist

Good Luck

Tooth ache?

How common is it for you to have severe tooth aches and for them to go completely bad during early pregnancy?

Tooth ache?
Common if you do not take your prenatals and even if you do it may still not be enough calcium to keep healthy teeth. Your baby gets your calcium first %26amp; then you. I could not keep enough calcium in my body even with prenatals %26amp; extra calcium suppliment. I had 2 cavitys prior to getting pregnant I put them offwhen I knew I was pregnant. 2 months after giving birth in extreme pain the last 3 months of pregnancy from my teeth I went to the dentist, needed 5 root canals= 12,000 dollars. If you have bad tooth pain call your OB they will allow you to get it fixed less pain meds though (preferably after 1st trimester. Also ask your OB to give you exra calcium you do not want to be where I me! Good luck
Reply:It's very common for women to have problems with their pregnancy during and after pregnancy due to the fact the woman's calcium levels go down a lot especially if you breast feed.
Reply:It is crazy I seem to have really bad toothache when I am pregnant and I mean that hurt. I used abersol for the pain, because if you need any kind of surgery now you cant because of pregnancy. Make sure you are taking you vitamin everyday and drinking plenty of milk.

gas scooter

Tooth ache?

I have some jaw and teeth problems, i get REALLY bad tooth aches, I tried everything whisky, pills, cloves, clove oil(does work but only for about 2-3 minutes) I need help I had to go to the hospital because of it once and the meds i got didnt work. and I cant get it fixed yet cause i need surgery. ANYTHING different I can try that works really good?

Tooth ache?
Motrin, it is an anti inflammatory. Take it only as directed on the bottle. If, it is your wisdom teeth, get them out before they get infected, and get all four done at once. In the long run it is easier that getting two at a time removed. Go to your dentist if you start running a fever and your jaw begins to swell.
Reply:I have experienced the same situation and of the opinion that surgery is the only solution.
Reply:do you have a TMJ (temporomandibular joint syndrome)?... i suspect i have this problem, although not that bad and not that painful... it has something to do with the jaws clicking and there was a time when i could not yawn well because my jaws hurt... a TMJ specialist might know what to do... but for the meantime, you can apply a cold or hot compress on the jaw affected to control the pain. you must also be aware if you suffer from teeth grinding or clenching as this might worsen the problem.

about the toothache... my aunt told me once about acupressure or something, with the teeth corresponding to the fingers. when the hands are face down, the two thumbs would be in the middle of the 10 fingers. They correspond to the front most teeth, all the way to the molars (left fingers to the teeth at the left half, and the same with the right). Each finger corresponds to two teeth. so, the right thumb would correspond to the two frontmost teeth at the right side...

which tooth is aching? find the corresponding finger and apply pressure to it.... it worked for me several times... i just clipped the finger with the laundry clip and voila!

still, find a dentist or specialist soon... hope this helps...
Reply:I had the extreme tooth ache - went to the Dentist for 60usd and he gave me antiboitics 20usd for the infection that was causing the extreme tooth pain. then next payday, wisdom tooth pulled 179usd and pain meds 20usd. i was awake and did not feel a thing, it took about 20 mins and totally painless. no more pain from that area, but now my oter tooth hurts be back there again ASAP. but need funding.

Tooth ache?

I seem to have woken up with the lower left part of my face aching. And it seems it has swollen slightly. One of my teeth hurts and the gums are bleeding around that tooth. Could this be an infection?

Tooth ache?
you know theres only one way to find out for sure dont you! Be brave and make an appointment...these things only get worse, not better!
Reply:yes or you have smacked yourself in the mouth make an emergency appointment at the dentist
Reply:It sounds like it could be an abscess and you need to go to the dentist to be given antibiotics to clear it up and get it checked out. I hope you are feeling better soon~
Reply:whatever did you have in your mouth last night
Reply:It could be or you might have just got a bit of food stuck between the tooth and gum. If it is right at the back could it be a wisdom tooth trying to come through? Try rinsing well with warm salt water to ease the gums and bleeding. Usually if it is the tooth causing the problem your gum wouldn't bleed. If you have gum disease you would expect to have bad breath with it too. Tap that tooth gently with the end of a spoon, if it feels the same as the others it's probably not the tooth. If it hurts or throbs go to the dentist.
Reply:Sounds like an abssess - get yourself off to the dentist`s.
Reply:it is most likely an abcess. if so, you have to take antibiotics for about 5 days before they can pull it, generally. so, go to the dentist.


Extractions have to be done well. Normally they pull a tooth out, stick a piece of gauze in there and say bite on it. After the tooth is removed, the socket has to be completely cleaned so that complete healing can occur. If tissue such as torn pieces of ligaments or periosteum is left in the socket and covers the bone, the bone will tend to heal over the top, leaving a hole in the bone, and new bone cannot form. This hole can persist for the rest of the patient's life. It is a chronic infection that is called an alveolar cavitational osteopathosis or cavitation. This means that there is an infected cavity in the bone. These bone infections are only now being seriously researched. If they are fairly easy to prevent by proper socket cleaning, why is this not being done? But many if not most dentists have never heard of cavitations.


A cavitation is an unhealed hole in the jawbone caused by an extracted tooth [or a root canal or an injury to a tooth]. Since wisdom teeth are the most commonly extracted teeth, most cavitations are found in the wisdom tooth sites. Please see the graphic and photo below to get a glimpse of what may be in your mouth and the effects it is having. The photo and diagram demonstrate the destructive and pathologic consequence of a routine tooth extraction. Dentists are taught in dental school that once they pull a tooth, the patient's body heals the resulting hole in the jawbone. However, approximately 95% of all tooth extractions result in a pathologic defect called a cavitation. The tooth is attached to the jawbone by a periodontal ligament which is comprised of "jillions" of microscopic fibers. One end of each fiber is attached to the jawbone and the other end of the fiber is attached to the tooth root. When a tooth is extracted, the fibers break midway between the root and the bone. This leaves the socket (the area where the root was anchored in the bone) coated with periodontal ligament fibers.

There are specialized cells in the bone called osteoblasts. Osteoblasts make new bone. The word "osteoblast" means bone former. They are active during growth and maintenance. However, the periodontal ligament prevents the osteoblasts from filling in the tooth socket with bone since the periodontal ligament fibers lining the socket act as a barrier beyond which the osteoblasts cannot form bone. In other words, an osteoblast "sees" a tooth when it "sees" periodontal ligament fibers. Since there are billions of bacteria in the mouth, they easily get into the open tooth socket. Since the bone is unable to fill in the defect of the socket, the newly formed "cavitation" is now infected. Since there is no blood supply to the "cavitation" it is called "ischemic" or "avascular" (without a blood supply). This results in necrosis (tissue death). Hence we call a cavitation an unhealed, chronically infected, avascular, necrotic hole in the bone. The defect acts to an acupuncture meridian the same way a dead tooth (or root canal tooth) acts. It causes an interference field on the meridian which can impair the function and health of other tissues, organs and structures on the meridian. Significantly, the bacteria in the cavitation also produce the same deadly toxins that are produced by the bacteria in root canals (see Root Canals). These toxins are thio-ethers (most toxic organic substance known to man), thio-ethanols, and mercaptans. They have been found in the tumors in women with breast cancer.

Tooth Ache :(?

For some reason, after mid-day my left front tooth started aching...i thought it might have been a cavity or something cause ive been eating a lot of nerds lately (the candy of course)

Its odd,even the slightest thing will hurt my tooth from the root,like when i drink something and it touches the tooth-it hurts,even when i breath in allowing the air to hit my front teeth,my left tooth hurts...

anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening?it only just started doing that today,anyone suggest anything i could do without needing to make a trip to the dentist? Thanks!

Tooth Ache :(?
Do you drink a lot of soda, juice, or coffee? It sounds as if your enamel may have become thin. It's usually caused by eating and drinking acidic foods and by using a medium or hard bristle tooth brush.

If this sounds like you cut down on the acidic foods, and go get yourself a soft bristled toothbrush. I recommend crest pro-health tooth paste and mouth wash. It prevents cavities and helps ease pain for sensitive teeth.

You should also see your dentist and let him know about the sensitivity. A cavity can sound a lot like sensitive teeth, especially if it's a deep cavity. The only way to know for sure is to have x-rays taken.
Reply:I have been told by a dentist that sensitive teeth can be helped a lot by Colgate Toothpaste for Sensitive teeth-it puts some kind of coat over your teeth, making them less sensitive to hot/cold. I tried it one time and it really seemed to help after I had brushed my teeth with it for a few days. You may have developed a cavity in that tooth, though. So keep paying attention to what makes it hurt. It may be sensitive or you may have developed a cavity, being a front tooth, don't let it go too long or you'll be looking at a root canal and they are expensive.
Reply:Your enamel of that particular tooth have been worn out due to the wrong brushing method ,use any good desensitising paste like sensodyne and improve the method of brushing don't brush your front teeth horizontally it generates electricity and the enamel Will be chipped off.

Tooth ache?

does anyone know of a home remedy for a tooth ache..ouch please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tooth ache?
cloves or clove oil. place a whole clove on the affected tooth and hold it there between your teeth. cloves have natural numbing properties. Or use an antibiotic for 24 hours to stop the infection and the pain will stop after that.or hold ice in your hand for a few minutes for temporary relief. (it really works I couldn't make this **** up lol)
Reply:Try using some ambesol.
Reply:i find what helps me is if i get a cold can of pop and press really litely on my side of the face that hurts then start pressing works for me try it
Reply:Try ice and orajel and go to your dentist to fix it up. you may have a cavity or other infection
Reply:ambesol but, if you have pain then there's something wrong.
Reply:Only a dentist can make it go away. If you treat it yourself you may temporarily make it feel better but it will actually get worse.

amc theater

Tooth ache.............?

I've a bad tooth ache and it's more of a nerve pain. I take pain killers which doesn't take the pain away. Hot drinks are the worse. Can you tell me what herbal remedy i can take. Bon jeli cures it for 5 mins or so but i need something that will take it away for at least 1/2 a day. Waiting for an dentist appointment.

Tooth ache.............?
When I had a bad toothache before I had a friend tell me to put a crushed up aspirin on the area of pain and hold it there, it really helped me a lot. Red cross is also a very good otc toothache med that helps a lot.
Reply:clove oil, or go to a dentist.
Reply:PUNCH IT OUT lol no

umm well shoot idk man im thinking srry idk
Reply:a bottle of wiskey and 12 anidin ibuprofyne
Reply:U can take RAKI or Uzo.These are greek and Turkish alcohol.

Dont drink just shake in your mouth. It will impact your pain and u will not have any pain.
Reply:Look here, there should be some advice for your condition:

Tooth ache?

is there anything to get rid of a tooth ache thats laying around the house?? plz be serious!

Tooth ache?
I agree with the 1st responder, taking an over-the-counter pain reliever will help with the inflammation. If your tooth ache is due to an infection, it would be a good idea to see a Dr. so that you can get on antibiotics, that is one infection that will not go away on it's own. Plus, as long as there is an infection, there will be pain.

If the toothache is being caused by root exposure, you could make sure to rinse with a product containing fluoride and making sure to use a non-abrasive toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush. (All of the whitening and tartar control pastes are quite abrasive). If it is root exposure, you could maybe try putting a dab of toothpaste on the area and/or putting gauze there (cold and or air sometimes cause sensitivity).

There are a few products that you can get from the drugstore that might help numb the area until you are able to get to a Dr. too.

I am sorry you are experiencing this pain and hopefully it will get fixed soon. Good luck.
Reply:Oh, boy, I've been there. I would recommend taking advil or motrin, they act as an anti-inflammatory to reduce the inflammation you may have. Take two every four hours.
Reply:Is your gums swolen already around the tooth?
Reply:I do believe that clove oil on a cotton ball will help.

Tooth ache?

I have got really bad tooth ache but the dentist isnt open till monday. Has anyne got any good ideas to help the pain?

Iv have already been taking painkillers.

Tooth ache?
Go to the local drug store and buy a bottle of Clove Oil. It is about $10.00. Get a Qtip and apply it to the tooth, it should numb it. May have to use it a few times a day. Will not hurt you or your tooth. I used it on a cracked tooth one time and it was numb for a year. Do not swollow it, it is a numbing agent and does not taste very well.

Good luck with the tooth.
Reply:oil of cloves,



Reply:hi put something cold on it like a bag of frozen peas don't put anything hot because if u have got infection hot things will help it breed good luck
Reply:try dabbing some clove oil onto cotton wool then bitting into it on the tooth that is hurting... the taste is ming mong but it helps numb it and that should see you through til the dentist opens you can buy it off the shelf in the chemist or supermarket... hope you get better soon
Reply:Go to health food store-

Oil of oregano P-73 Blue Label

small bottle/ approx. $24.00

drop a couple drops on ache area.

If tooth is on the top row of your mouth- flip upside down on a bed and drip.

Use sparingly.

Note Oil of Oregano does eat up iron in your body.
Reply:clove oil, but dont get it on your gums, apply directly to the cavity

pepermint oil applied to the gum near the affected tooth
Reply:There must be a dentist on emergency call. Ring directory enquiries for the number.

Continue with the oil of cloves.
Reply:Tip 1:

Place I clove of Garlic dipped in rock salt on the affected tooth.

Tip 2:

Place a piece of raw onion on the tooth.

Tip 3:

A clove or clove oil applied on the tooth will help

keep taking the painkillers though, and make sure you take them regularly - even before the pain kicks in.

Guess you just gotta grin and bare it till monday
Reply:there is a nerve point behind your ear .use your finger to find it %26amp;keep it pressed for a while should ease it.
Reply:last weekend i had the worst toothache i have ever had

what i done was took co codamol 3 of them in water every 3 hours and nueofen in between and rubbed orgel ( boots sell it )

and then used a heat pad on the side of my face

it did ease the apin for a while but was up every 3 hours in pain

be careful on pain killers only take them if you really need to

i hope your pain goes really soon

i havnt been to the dentist yet as im to scared and plus i cant find a NHS one
Reply:syndol you can buy it in the chemist its a very good pain killer and will help u sleep
Reply:The dentists answering machine message should give a number for emergencies. You should contact them as this is a dental emergency.

Tooth ache?

What are the best home remedies for a tooth ache. Dont tell me I need to go to the dentist I know I do I need money first. I really need some home remedies to help that wont cause my gums to swell or be raw.

Tooth ache?
clove oil is good to numb the area

i use an ice pack. put the ice on the outside of the check, it will reduce swelling inside and numb the area.

my dentist told me to take period pain relief tablets and panadol. so i used naprogesic, two hours later the panadol, two hours later naprogesic and so on.

best of luck xx
Reply:don,t know a bout home stuff but go buy some zilactin-b that stuff works.
Reply:A patient I had last week told me he put oregano oil on his teeth and it helped with the ache. Don't know for sure if it will work, but he swears by it.
Reply:If the toothache is on the right side hold ice between thumb and forefinger of left hand and vice versa
Reply:Use tooth paste's. The thing that you brush your teeth. They are harmless and do the job perfectly.

Reply:a few drops of oil of Clove
Reply:try clove oil or spice. wet a piece of cotton with the oil place it on the tooth that hurts and bit down on it . or try one clove spice and place n the tooth that hurt and bit down on it . this will provide temporary relief. Eventually you will need to visit dentist for tooth extraction.

fabric boot

Tooth Ache?

I have a terrible tooth ache and I can not go to the dentist until the end of the week, does anyone have any suggestions or home remedies that can ease the pain until I go to the dentist?

Serious replies ONLY!

Tooth Ache?
Among the most effective home remedies for toothache is garlic. A clove of garlic with a little rock salt should be placed on the affected tooth. It will relieve the pain and, sometimes, may even cure it. A clove should also be chewed daily in the morning. It will make the cure teeth making it strong and healthy.

Toothache relief using Onion

Latest research has confirmed the bactericidal properties of onion. If a person consumes one raw onion every day by thorough mastication, he will be protected from host of tooth disorders. Chewing raw onion for three minutes is sufficient to kill all the germs in the mouth. Toothache is often allayed by placing a small piece of onion on the bad tooth or gum.

Remedies for Tooth ache using Lime

Lime, as a rich source of vitamin C, is useful in maintaining the health of the teeth and other bones of the body. It prevents decay and loosening of the teeth, dental caries, toothache, and bleeding of the gums

Toothache cure using Wheat Grass

The juice of wheat grass acts as an excellent mouthwash for tooth decay and cures toothaches. Wheat grass can be chewed with beneficial results. It draws out toxins from the gums and thus checks bacterial growth.

Toothache cure using Asafoetida

The use of asafoetida has been found useful in curing toothache. It should be pestled in lemon Juice and slightly heated. A cotton swab should be soaked in this lotion and placed in the cavity of the tooth. It will relieve pain quickly.

Toothache relief using Bay Berry

A paste of the bark of bay berry should be made with vinegar. This paste, applied on the affected tooth, will relieve the toothache. It can also be applied beneficially on the gums for strengthening them.

Toothache home remedy using Clove

Another home remedy for toothache is in the use of clove, which reduces pain. It also helps decrease infection due to its antiseptic properties. Clove oil, applied to a cavity in a decayed tooth, also relieves toothache.

Remedies for Toothache using Pepper

A mixture of a pinch of pepper powder and a quarter teaspoon of common salt is an excellent dentrifice. Its daily use prevents dental cavities, foul breath, bleeding from the gums, painful gums, and toothaches. It cures the increased sensitiveness of the teeth. A pinch of pepper powder mixed with clove oil can be put on the cavities to alleviate the toothache.

Toothache Relief diet

Proper diet

Diet plays a vital role in dental health. The condition of the teeth after they are formed depends upon the foods one eats from day to day. Dental decay, the destruction of the bone around the teeth, and infection of the gums can be prevented with an appropriate diet. In fact, with a proper diet, the teeth and jaw bones can be made harder and healthier as the years go by.

Restrict sugar intake, include raw vegetables in diet

It is important to restrict one's sugar intake, and to ensure that the diet includes plenty of raw vegetables and wholewheat bread. Whole foods are ideal for the teeth. Fibreless refined foods allow particles to accumulate on the teeth in a sticky mass where they can do great harm. The gums need friction to keep them firm and whole foods also help remove plaque. They are therefore called 'detergent foods' by some dentists. In preventing tooth decay, what one eats is no doubt important but equally important is when one eats

Avoid frequent small snacks and sugar intake

Frequent small snacks are very harmful to teeth, as they produce an acid medium in which the bacteria thrive. The number of times one eats sugar is one of the most important factors in determining the rate of decay. For this reason, it is better to eat sweets at the end of a meal rather than between meals.

Proper cleaning of the teeth is very essential to prevent tooth decay and consequent toothache. There are many theories on how best to clean the teeth. The consensus of dental opinion however seems to back using a circular motion with the brush, so as to ensure that all dental surfaces are cleaned. One should not be afraid to touch the gums with the brush, as this gentle stimulation improves the blood circulation in the gums.
Reply:place some salt in a sock and warm it and then place the sock over the spot where the toothache is, try some oil of cloves, or a few drops of whiskey will numb the pain
Reply:There is a numbing cream that is made for gums and teeth that you can put on there. It is a cream that is made for babies when they are teething. I use this all of the time.
Reply:Pain killers like paracetamol and you could try oil of cloves.
Reply:there really is nothing you can do about it. I had one a few months ago. the only thing i did was not eat on that side and and push my cheek into the bad tooth when i was eatting something hot or cold. just try to keep it clean until you can see the dentist.

dont use cream unless it is on the gum otherwise it will HURT! i know. and pain killers are good.
Reply:if your gums are not swollen (meaning there is no infection because you have to take antibiotics for this) you can take some painkillers . if you have a little hole on your tooth , ball a piece of cotton and wet it with alcohol (a rhum and brandy will do too) and insert it on the hole with the aid of a toothpick, but if the pain does not subside, dont wait till the weekend, go see the dentist immediately because the pain will be more unbearable, specially at night, toothaches does not let you sleep at all.

Tooth Ache?

Got a really bad Tooth Ache *NOW* best cheepest thing I can get now. Dentist appointment next week.

Tooth Ache?
motrin(ibuprofin) take 4 instead of two and you can take tylenol in between the 4 hours you are waiting to take the next dose of motrin. You can take them together like this because the motrin is an anti inflammatory and the tylenol is acetaminiphen(an analgesic or pain killer) Once the innflammation is addressed with the motrin the pain will subside as does the innflammation, then the tlyenol will take the pain away. Usually if you call your denist and explain to them they can prescribe you vicadin or something over the phone. also believe it or not if you go into the ER they will see you and give you a pain killer until you go to the dentist. I just went through the same scenario. good luck! p.s. Rub a little whiskey on the spot and it will numb it for a little bit. Orajels really don't work cuz they wash away with your saliva.
Reply:Hurricane. Usually in a yellow container.
Reply:oil of clove is what works well. anbesol too is okay. aleve helps too
Reply:anbesol is the quickest reliver and som tylenol and then take a snooze :%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;
Reply:well you can buy some orajel and the like at your local store - it works alright. my best suggestion tho (and i have done this and it works great) is to keep water in your mouth all day long. it may take a day to flush out but i sat on an abcess that way until i could get help. i ended up drinking like 5-6 bottles 16.9 ounces in one day
Reply:Tylenol or Advil for the pain and put a heating pad on your jaw. That will help.
Reply:This really helps: Stand with your feet on a very cold and wet towel.
Reply:alcohol and ice-cream usually works wonders oh and stopayne too at your local pharmisist
Reply:CVS and relative drug stores sell repair kits that have fillers,numers and antibacterial liquid. First you take 3 Excedrin pain pills (with sleep aide if possible) 2. you brush with warm water and Sensydyne toothpaste. 3. you use the repair kit to quick fix the tooth. Then you sleep. Most times the pain is well on its way out almost immediately.. Feel Better Soon....
Reply:paramol is probably the strongest thing you can get without a prescription (paracetamol and dihydrocodeine) check your pharmacy

Tooth ache?

I have a terrible tooth ache that just won't go away. I have already taken too much pain killers and tried orajel. How can I stop the pain?

Tooth ache?
A toothache that is spontaneous not induced by hot or cold means you have irreversible pulpitis. You will either need a root canal or an extraction. I usually will prescribe my patients an antibiotic and a pain killer (T3 or vicodin), that will usually get them through until I can get an appointment for them. I don't know what to tell you, if you have already taken a bunch of pain killers, if you haven't taken it already, Ibuprofen might work. My husband swished warm water around, but none of my other patients have had luck with his method. If you have a dentist, I would try to get a hold of them, and tell them your situation. They might be willing to call in a script for you.
Reply:well my friend, I have had this before, and to tell you the truth, the only way is to get a root canal. The thing is that root canals are highly feared, but it really isn't that bad, you will get the novacaine, or you will be put to sleep and what the dentist needs to do he/she will do. You will feel a stingy "tickle" on your teeth if you go with the novacaine, and being put to sleeep can cost up to 2.5 times more than the novacaine. Good Luck with the procedure!

Tooth ache?

i have got toothache every now and then it is very painful i think it is my wisedome tooth coming

painkillers dont seem to be helping any ideas,

thanks x

ps its right in the corner almost jaw ache

Tooth ache?
As you don't have a NHS dentist, you need to contact your local hospital %26amp; explain that you are in agony with a bad tooth. They will have a dental section and sort you out, it may cost you a bit of money, but it will be allot cheeper that going private. The extraction may only cost as much as the private ones wanted just to look at you. :-)
Reply:See a dentist? Get some x-rays.

dentist time!
Reply:If it is an actual toothache, it is probably not your wisdom teeth, unless they are already decayed. You should take something for the pain until you are able to be seen by your dentist. We all need to take care of our teeth, because that can lead to bad gums, which in turn can lead to heart disease.
Reply:go to your dentist
Reply:yes... and you cant do anything about it really...

as your wizzers come thru, they shuffle the other teeth along the jawbone... (which is why we have gaps) the pain is excruciating, but only for a few days at a time.. it'll fade...

or like me, you go into hospital to have em removed
Reply:See an dentist

probally its ur tooth of wisdom thats coming out

get those 4 wisdom teeth out before they become worse
Reply:Chew on a wet rag

Ring the NHS direct number on here and they will tell you where to go for treatment, my son had to do this.
Reply:babies teething gel really does ease the pain it help so much for me when i had tooth ack until i had the courage to go to the dentist, you must go to the dentist though

children boots

Tooth ache?

i have a tooth ache. what can i use for pain?i uses orajel and have taken vicodine. cant see a dentis until next week

Tooth ache?
Tooth Ache Pain - My Home Remedies

A quick fix--- put some regular pepper from your pepper shaker between your ... However for toothaches one of the fastest remedies I know is to take 2 BC ...
Reply:This worked for me.If you have whisky in the house,take a swig but don't swallow it.Hold it in your mouth on the side the toothache is on for as long as you can,than spit it out.This seems to numb it for a while.You can repeat this as often as necessary,just don't swallow it.GOOD LUCK.
Reply:Yes..Whiskey or Brandy if you prefer...vigorously swish it baround your mouth like Listerine...Swallow if you wish!!
Reply:Clove oil:Is great to use for toothaches. Apply a little on the affected tooth for some time and then rinse with warm water. Boil 5 grams of fresh peppermint in 1 cup water with a little salt. And rinse mouth well with this .Peppermint is an antiseptic and contains menthol which relives pain .Try out for more details.

Tooth ache?

help please i have a terrible tooth ache and no meds in the house what can i do to make the pain stop until i can see the dentist?

Tooth ache?
Here is a quick home remedy....pinch the skin between your index finger and your thumb while you press it will relieve the ache. There is nerves in that little flap of skin that triggers the brain. Good luck! If it is a cavity you can also mix 2 parts baking soda w/1 part water and use the putty of the mix as a "filler" till you can see the dentist !
Reply:put a clove in your cheek next to the bad tooth, if you have some.
Reply:Run to the drugstore and get the pharmacist to help you. If you have 'cloves" in your spices - try those!

Try the cloves from your kitchen- don't chew or swallow them; just keep them in your mouth and keep sucking it. They work wonders for me everytime. Are paracetamols at home- they are fine for a couple of hours too. You can also try giving a warm compress and meditation for a while- all these tips are tried and tested by me! I usually avoid all kinds of pain killers due to their effects on our bodies. Wishing you all the best! I hope that pain goes away soon- I know how it feels like to have a toothache! :(

~*Mrs. Bakur (Certified Health Specialist)*~
Reply:The fact that you have pain may be an indicator that you have an abscess, which, if left untreated by the proper antibiotics, can move into the jaw. Believe me, you don't want this to happen.

Please contact your dentist immediately to have a prescription filled for an antibiotic to treat the abscess.

Good luck!
Reply:You really need to be put on antibiotics because the nerve of your tooth is infected. You will need to have a root canal done to remove the nerve of the tooth if you want to keep your tooth. If not you will have to have it extracted. I have had one of my patients use Clove Oil not whole cloves and she said that id numbed the pain slightly! You could try this and see if it works. Good Luck and I hope that you get in to see your dentist soon. It is not good for your body to have an infection like that so get in to see your dentist ASAP!

Tooth ache!?

I have such a bad tooth ache and it hurts all the way up to my eye and into my neck what can i do???

Tooth ache!?
make an appt within 24-48 hours to see your dentist. the fact that you have pain outside of your mouth could be an indication that you have an infection that has spread and it could turn serious quickly

for now

-swish and spit salt water to clean out your mouth and provide some relief for the toothache. use 2tsp salt to 8oz warm water.

-brush your teeth after eating or drinking anything (except water). this will prevent further irritation

-for pain take ibuprofen (if not allergic). it works better than tylenol b/c it has an anti-inflammatory in it to help reduce swelling. take 200-400mg every 6 hours but no more than 1200mg in 24 hours.

make sure to get that appointment-if it is an infection you'll need antibiotics to clear it out.

LATE ENTRY-if you don't have a regular dentist-then make an appt to see your regular dr or go to the nearest urgent care. if you have an infection brewing-it's just going to get worse and will continue to spread.
Reply:Take pain medication but are you sure it is not your sinuses? If you still have the pain in the morning and you are sure it is not sinuses then see your dentist tomorrow to find out what is going on.
Reply:Take Advil. You can take up to 4 pills. Brush your teeth, use listerine, and you can try some orajel. Otherwise, get to the dentis tomorrow. ASAP. There are some things you just can't mess with.
Reply:Extra strength Tylenol is all that ever worked for me. But get to a dentist asap or it will only get worse. Moist heat also works to ease the pain.
Reply:i have had those and they are excruciating! the most you could do is to take pain relievers...also if you cut up thin slices of raw potato and place it on the gum area of the tooth that hurts, it will provide some relief. but i've had those head splitting tooth aches before and they are the worst! you should get to a dentist soon!
Reply:BEST answer for you is talk to the Dr.

good luck.
Reply:Until you see a dentist hold whiskey on the side that is hurting, It does work.
Reply:You need to schedule an appointment to see a dentist as soon as possible. Mention to the receptionist that it is an emergency, so that it can get taken care of right away. The reason I say this is because it seems you have an infection. This can be very dangerous if not taken care of. Infections in your mouth can travel to surrounding areas. You can lose your sight, your ability to hear etc...Please take care of yourself SOON!
Reply:get a raw hot chili pepper

mince or pound it

wrap it up in cotton

place the cotton-wrapped chili pepper on the affected tooth

the chili pepper disinfects the tooth and helps ease the pain.

try it, it really worked for me. but go to the dentist as this is just a stopgap and not the solution.

Tooth Ache?

Hey I got a tooth ache for about a week and then today it went away when I woke up, something is going on.

I think one of my tooth thats stuck in my gums is coming down, is this a symptom?


Tooth Ache?
If I understand your question, it sounds like you have a tooth coming in that will definitely cause you some pain. The pain can be just the normal tooth cutting through the gum kind of pain, the oops! there is not enough room for the tooth to come through, or if it is a "wisdom" tooth/3rd molar then it could be coming up and going back down a bit before it breaks through. If it is the "Wisdom" tooth scenario then you need to be really careful because food often gets stuck in your gums when it comes through and then goes back down. If this happens get a cheap plastic child's syringe for medicine and fill it with hydrogen peroxide and rinse the infected area with it.

Whatever you do, do NOT put aspirin on your gums! If someone suggests this to you they Hate you, as it will burn a hole in your gums!

I Hope this Helps!
Reply:It could be. Maybe you have a tooth growing in. But you should definitely see a dentist.


Tooth ache?

I have a terrible tooth ache. I have a wisdom tooth coming out. What can I do to alleviate the pain besides OraGel?

Tooth ache?
here's a great old remedy ( from Grandma) take a clean cotton sock, set aside' take a few cups of salt and put into a pan, heat it up(salt doesnt burn) let it get really hot.. then use a funnel of some sort and put the salt in the sock and tie it off... take a towel and rest your affected side , put the towel near the area then apply the salt filled sock.. let it work for a bit... repeat a few times. even sleep with it (under your pillow case.... It works!!

Also a crushed asprin right on the area works too....
Reply:The best thing is to take IB Profen. It really kills the pain and it isn't an addictive medication.
Reply:Clove oil is the most widely used and easily available home remedy for toothache. More info on toothache at

Tooth ache =[!!??!?!?

so i got my wisdom teeth out on monday n ever since, i've had this horrible tooth ache on the left side of my mouth...sometimes it calms down but for the most part it just hurts! even with pain killlers! is this normal....i thought my mouth should've been back to normal by now. plus...i'm getting this yellowish greenish bruise on both sides of my!

Tooth ache =[!!??!?!?
Gargle your mouth with salt water to ease the pain. And go to the dentist! please?
Reply:Go to the dentist.
Reply:go back to the dentist or to thr hospital you shouldn't be having that much pain
Reply:The bruise is normal , however you could have dry socket, you should call the dentist, It should not cost you anything for a follow up visit, YES!!! Its very painful. It will need to be repacked with this stuff from the dentist. That will help a bunch. Feel better,
Reply:Go back to the dentist, you may need to go to an Urgent care Center today!
Reply:Call your dentist and let them know. Small joke: What time do you make a dentist apt? At 2:30 get it? tooth hurty!!!
Reply:I had the same problem.

You may well have a dry socket.

Go back to the dentist, i didnt go back and the socket cleared up within a week and a bit.
Reply:It could be an infection..and an infection in your mouth AND THAT IS VERY SERIOUS. The infection can get into your blood stream and quickly move to your brain. DO NOT mess with this. Go to a community care medical center...they are open on Saturday. The Doctor can take one look at your mouth and know if it's infected. He will prescribe an antibiotic...or, as he did in my case, send you to the hospital to have an MRI ..this is really potentially very very dangerous. Don't wait until Monday...go see a

DOCTOR today...please! ♥

Tooth ache...?

I recently got a tooth ache on one of my upper crowned molars. It is sensitive to hot and cold (for the last week)

It seems to be less and less painful as days go by.

This happened to another tooth of mine which was crowned so I wanted to know if I should just wait it out like before.

People with true info respond only !

Thank you !!

Love you !!


Tooth ache...?
Usually sensitivity to hot and cold on a crowned tooth is an indication of decay going on under or below the crown. The pain is an indication that the nerve is being subjected to bacteria from the decay. This usually occurs in patients who don't floss regularly, or have an ill fitting crown. I would not suggest waiting on this as the decay can and will (if it hasn't already) reach the nerve, resulting in your needing a root canal therapy on the tooth or loosing it altogether. Sorry I couldn't be more reassuring, but fact is fact. Good luck and don't wait on seeing your dentist.
Reply:Why not call your dentist and ask him about it? If you call you the dentist will get back to you and tell what HE wants you to do about this situation. Your dentist should have the final say on this not the people on yahoo answers.


Reply:well artguy!it's impossible to put a net diagnosis without clinical observation....but the duration of the pain is very long does it last?is it sharp and passing or is it vague and long lasting?is it spontanious or does it happen while sleeping?if so these are symptoms of a serious involvement of the tooth...a radiography by ur dentist will be so helpful...any way no pain is without cause,don't neglect it :)good luck

Tooth Ache?

I have a really bad tooth ache with 2 of my teeth. No dentists are open until monday, so what can I do to help it? I have been putting ambisol on, but is there anything elce that can help?

Tooth Ache?
You can also put crushed clove in enough water to form paste and apply to the teeth hurting. That might give you better relief. An ice pack to the affected area should help you feel better too. You poor thing, you aren't going to get alot of relief, until you see the dentist. Hang in there, and I sure hope you get relief very soon!
Reply:use more it will help, also apply a heating pad to it for a little while gl.

cold water, ignore that. i cant believe someone just said that. it would make it worse.
Reply:Cold water, oragel, starlight mints?
Reply:Jack Daniels and BBQ hot wings!
Reply:put garlic there .
Reply:gargle twice a day with diluted Hydrogen Peroxide (1 part Peroxide, 3 parts water).

gargle as often as you can (even right after the peroxide gargle) with warm salt water.

these gargles can be used in between the other things mentioned above.
Reply:If you can't get in touch with your dentist over the weekend, you can go to a hospital ER. At the very least they can prescribe an antibiotic for you if the tooth is infected, and bringing an infection under control will make analgesics work better to tide you over until you can see your dentist.

Hope this helps.
Reply:go to the nearest pharmacy and ask for oil of cloves. it comes in a small bottle, doesn't cost much at all - less than £2. When you get home, put some on a cotton ball and put it on the sore tooth and gently bite down on it - hold it there for a minute or so then remove it. It tastes disgusting, but it's really good for the pain, it numbs the whole area for about an hour or so, then you can just repeat it over and over as often as you need to until you can get to the dentist.

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Tooth ache?

i have a really bad tooth ache andit is cracked and the dentist might give me a tooth implant or a root canal sometimes it hurts so bad that i want to pull it but i cant or sometime i fell like crying the dentist gave me so antimiotic but that doent stop the pain what should i do do reales the pain i take pain releaver

how can i reduce the pain?

Tooth ache?
The reason for the antibiotics is to kill the infection which is what is causing your pain - the problem is that they can take 48 - 72 hours to work!

Try swishing salt water around the infected area - nasty - but it relieved my pain from an absessed wisdom tooth. I also held an icepack against my jaw - it relieved the pain enough for me to sleep. I have also heard that clove oil works - or vodka swished around the infected area!

Good Luck!

Reply:This may sound crazy but it works. Take a pilled potato and bite down on it with the tooth that hurts. Hold it there for 10 minutes. When you take the potato out you will see that it has turned black from the infection inside your tooth.
Reply:Taking and finishing the antibiotic is the most important part which will start to relieve the pain after a couple of consistent doses.
Reply:take an motrin IB(ibuprofen)

if u get the 200 mg. take 2 of them

Tooth ache!!!?

I have this tooth ache…and it’s a cavity with a big hole in it. It hurts so bad that my ear and my head be killing me. I suppose to be going to the dentist Saturday, but I cant wait. I want to know if I could take it out myself, the thing is….the tooth is located in the back of my mouth….yes it a wisdom tooth. What should I do?

Tooth ache!!!?
It is not best to take it out yourself, the roots will be there. BUT I took out several of mine that needed root canals done. I went a head and took them out until I had the money for the root canal. The pain went away immediately! OK I lied I took them out myself for I am terrified of dentists! Until I found the guy I have now.

I still have another root canal I have to have done, no pain now though!

You only have a couple days to go....
Reply:Tooth Ache

I'll never forget using Toothache Wax and putting it in the tooth cavity. The toothache was bad enough but the taste of cloves in that toothache wax made it "yucky" ! Doris Goldsborough

From an old book that I have - copyright 1879 -Home %26amp; Health and Home Economics by C.H. Fowler,D.D., LL.D., and W.H.DePuy, A.M., D.D.: "Toothache Cures.- Relief from toothache or neuralgic affections arising from teeth in any stage of decay, may often be obtained by saturating a small bit of clean cotton or wool with a strong solution of ammonia, and applying it immediately to the affected tooth. The pleasant contrast in-stantaneously produced sometimes causes a fit of laughter, although a moment before extreme suffering and anguish prevailed" [I AM SURE THEY MEANT SPIRITS OF AMMONIA and not the household ammonia we now use!] Doris Goldsborough

For a abscessed tooth put a Tea Bag on it or a clean cloth with a bit of bulk tea in it--just moisten enough so it will cover the tooth and hold it there, don't remember for how long but probably till the tooth stopped hurting. I have had it do good for me when I had Teeth. LOL Dorothy

Take a hole clove after taking off the end bud/horns, place between gum and effected tooth. It takes about 2 minutes to begain being effective. Mike

I was surprised to see that to relieve the pain for a toothache, dab whiskey on the root of the tooth, and the gums below/around the tooth wasnt listed. Works better than ambesol or anything out there. HavUSeenMyMarbl
Reply:call your dentist again and cry.....that usually works......and when all said and done.....dont wait til it hurts....see your dentist often.....toothaches suck.....worst pain in my life
Reply:see if you got any whole gloves at home...ya no...the spice..put it on the had been used to kill the pain for centuries!
Reply:Those back teeth have the longest roots as well as bent, they are not straight like the others. Try this, go to the store and buy some Oral Gel. it's liquid in a swab, very easy to use and works temporarily. I feel your pain... there are some MEAN nerves in the mouth.
Reply:Don't forget the ibuprofen,the only thing that shrinks swelling....
Reply:no you cant take it out your self

go to the dentist and ask if they will do it sooner
Reply:Don't take it out yourself. Call the dentist office and tell them. Hopefully the dentist can get you in sooner. If not, try some orajel or take some pain relievers. May it will help. I have had toothaches. One that was done 7 years ago (Root canal) is starting to hurt and so is my wisdom tooth, which is to the point were it is sticking in my jaw and it look as though it has a hole like my other tooth that I had to get pull was.Toothaches are no joke.
Reply:You probably have an abscess. Call your dentist and ask them to perscribe you an antibiotic. It will fight the infection and therefore alleviate the least some. Ask them to call you if they can get you in any sooner. Whatever you do, do NOT leave this untreated. Abscesses can be very harmful.

Tooth Ache?

Have a tooth that is cracked off only one part of the tooth left can't get into a dentist for another 2 weeks and its killing me have already tried disolving an asprin on it don't work ambesol dont work can someone please give me something that does work for a tooth ache please

Tooth Ache?
i recently had this problem as well. this may sound dumb but i read online (not always the best place to find things but i was desparate for relief) to take vanilla extract and put it directly on the tooth. i tried it, it does work but not for very long and it just kinda numbs it enough to manage. another thing i did was bought a dentafix kit at the drugstore (cost 3 bucks) and its a temp filling you apply yourself and had numbing agents in it. that took my pain away completely and i havent had a problem since. you can also put sraight clove oil on the tooth this will numb it for a few hours, but tastes like crap. hope this helps you some.
Reply:Try rinsing your mouth out with warm salt water or gargling in Listerine mouth wash.Orajel is better than ambesol and try taking extra strength Tylenol.I would also make another call to your Dentist and tell him or her if any cancellation come up please call you.
Reply:Sounds like an abcess, if asprin's not working. You might need antibiotics. If you are in that much pain, the dentist can't turn you away. Good luck!
Reply:Since you can't get into your dentist for 2 weeks, then call another one or see if your dentist can call you in some pain medicine to your pharmacy! Rinse with salt water to help keep that area clean! People tell me that Oil of cloves works but it hasn't for me. Another thing that helps me is to get a cool wet washcloth and put it on the outside of my jaw were the tooth is that hurts.Keep the washcloth cool. I hope you feel better soon!

Tooth ache?

i woke up in the middle of tonight to a really bad tooth ache.

its my bottom front tooth.

it's kind of cracked, not that deep but moderately.

my other teeth have those cracked strips on them too but not even close to as deep as this one is. and those ones don't hurt.

i bite my nails on that tooth all the time which is probably the cause, but i cant help it bc its been a habit for about 5 years.

every time i press down on that tooth or touch it i get sharp pains.

whats the problem?? and what will my dentist do about it??

Tooth ache?
Probably pull it-sounds beyond a root canal.
Reply:likely pull it or do a root canal and put on a crown to the tune of about 2500 dollars
Reply:he'll probably pull it out.

but if you are dental insurance you can et a crown.

if not get dental insurance online before seeing a dentist.
Reply:You have exposed the root which is very painful. Your dentist will probably put a crown on it. I would really try to stop the nail biting. There are nasty tasting polishes that you can use to help you accomplish it. You just have to put it on.
Reply:get activated charcoal and put on the affected area to ease the pain.. then go to dentist for check-up
Reply:if there is not much damage done to the tooth i think the dentist will try to treat it by scratching the edged to make ti smooth and if thr roots are also effected he might give u a root canal ,its better to go to the dentist and ask as according to me tooth pain is the worst pain a person can have ,why prolong it
Reply:See a dentist. I'm not sure what he'll do.

For the nail biting, buy Control-It. It's a natural cream applied to the fingertips. Will taste yucky when you want to bite your nails and hopefully help you get rid of the bad habit. I used it for my son and it helped.
Reply:the teeth probally need fillings dont waste your money at the dentist office go to a good radiator shop any one that can sorter a radiator leak can fill a tooth

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