Monday, May 17, 2010

I have a tooth ache,what can i do until i can get to a dentist?

Take some ibuprofin. It's a pain killer and it will do the trick.

I have a tooth ache,what can i do until i can get to a dentist?
liquor helps - if your old enough
Reply:Go to the Chemist and ask for some cloves for your tooth ache tastes crap but works!
Reply:put some tooth ache cream and make an appointment asap!
Reply:One great way to take your mind off of toothache pain is to slam your hand in your car door. Best of luck.
Reply:You can try Ambesol or Orajel
Reply:Do you have any whole cloves? It's a spice. If you do, get one and press it on your tooth. It may be a bit uncomfortable while you're doing this, but it works. The clove will act as an anesthetic.
Reply:whiskey or some pain killers toothaches are a horrible pain i would get to the dentist as soon as posibble if it is real bad and your face starts to swell it is probably abcess (an infection)
Reply:i saw moe pull one of curleys teeth once with a pair of pliers. you could give that a try.
Reply:use icyhot that works
Reply:Aspirin (to reduce inflammation)...a good stiff drink (if you are old enough) and a kit you can buy from a drugstore to plug up the cavity. It keep the air from hitting it until you can get in to see your dentist (and you poor sympathies).
Reply:asprin, straight whiskey, and especially pot are helpful.
Reply:aspirin!... Take a tablet of aspirin and place it over the gum where the tooth hurts. I did this when i split my tooth in half and it numbed the pain. Its cheap and inexpensive. Just be careful because some people with sensitive gums or skin on the gums gets what is known as "chemical burn" it doesn't hurt that bad but it stings. yeah its gonna taste bad. but after a half hour SPIT IT OUT so you don't overdose on it... and then put another one in so it doesn't dissolve in your mouth all the way. also just swallow one so it will continuously work if you go to bed or can't have one in your mouth. it works like a dream

check ya later ♥
Reply:motrin or tylenol

also rince with salted warm water
Reply:have some panadol or endopain and just get some sleep...

u won't feel pain in sleep...

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