Monday, May 17, 2010

Tooth Ache and Breast Feeding What can I take?

Acetaminophen (Tylenol), Ibuprofen (Advil), and Naproxen (Aleve) are all approved by the AAP for use in nursing mothers.

See the link below for a good resource about what medications are safe while breastfeeding.

Tooth Ache and Breast Feeding What can I take?
It's safe to take Advil or an Ibuprophen. This is also an anti-inflamatory and should help with the tooth pain.

Good luck!
Reply:breast feeding
Reply:Ask your hospital where you delivered. My hospital had 24 hour nurses to answer what is safe to take while breastfeeding. They surprisingly said most over the counter items are safer than you think.
Reply:Orajel makes a tooth pain jel for adults. You can use that but, then you need to get yourself to a dentist. You really don't want an abscess if you are breastfeeding.
Reply:you might be too old to breast feed if it's making your teeth hurt
Reply:OH I had this. I just had to finally give in and put some Anbesol and some adult Orajel on it. I also took the Motrin pills that they gave me after I gave birth.
Reply:my cousin just had to visit the ER and she is preg. The doctor told her she could take acetaminiphin.

also try using some ambusol right on the tooth. would be a small amount and less effect on the baby.
Reply:Call the pediatrician, but I think Tylenol is OK
Reply:I also am nursing and my doc. told me I can take vicodin ( sorry I can't spell that, but you know what I mean)
Reply:Pure Clove Oil - you can only get it at the health food stores

Now you need to know it's one of the worst tasting things you could ever put in your mouth but it works right away and last longer than other pain meds
Reply:In view of all the other answers, I had to come up with something different. Oil of clove. Safe for baby and kills tooth pain. Just a dab'l do ya.
Reply:Tylenol, Advil, Hyland's Teething tablets (intended for babies but it might work for you, too). All those are fine with BF.
Reply:Advil will work. Most overthe counter meds do not interfere with breastmilk.
Reply:sorry i dont have an answer. But your baby is ADORABLE!!
Reply:I too, am a Breastfeeding mom, and I would agree with almost everything, except the vicodin, because of course would make you feel great, and ee'z the pain, however, baby not to fond of it. Make your little one very sleepy, and groggy. I would just try to make it thru' the night, and then get into the dentist asap, and i mean ASAP Because in the long run, will cause you stress, and nursin baby doesnt nurse well while stressed. Also, try the kellymom web site listed above on another answer. Very helpful site. Good Luck. And Congrats.!
Reply:try hot salty mouth rinses, especially if the tooth hasnt fully grown into the mouth and has skin still over it, 1 cup of water (as hot as you can handle without burning yourself) and tablespoon of salt. hold the mixture over the area until the heat goes, spit and repeat!. also chlorhexadine mouthrinses (talk to your chemist) are good but stain the teeth so dont use for too long!!.

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