Friday, May 21, 2010

Whats good for a tooth ache if you cant afford to go to the dentist right now?

I had that problem for a very long time. Try ambusol, the numbing gel for your gums. Also, try liquid Advil, it worked right away for me. Then to help at night, tylenol pm or a generic brand to help you stay sleep; the pain will wake you up. Most importantly, get it seen right away, it will soon cause you to have headaches. See if there are any dental schools in your area that will have the students take care of you at a discounted price. Dont worry, they wont hurt you, actual dentists watch over them.

Another alternative, call 1-877-DENTRITE and see if they have any dentists that participate in this discounted dental program.

Whats good for a tooth ache if you cant afford to go to the dentist right now?
orajel, tylenol and suck on a teabag.
Reply:orajel is goofd because it relives the pain
Reply:if it is due to an exposed root due to a cavity you can buy this cheap dental wax and jam it in the hole to stop all air/moisture contact and will delay a need for a dentist for a few days to weeks.
Reply:anbesol or orajel
Reply:i have found that rinsing with warm salt water helps me.
Reply:go and get some of that sassafras. Boil about a quart of water and put that sassafras in it and steep it for like about ten minutes and drink it hot although it don't work immediately it will work in about two or three days and then no more tooth ache.. but you still have to get to that dentist ....
Reply:Depends on what's causing it.

Orajel (I think that's how its spelled) helps. If it's an exposed root, I guess you could get some wax but if that's the case, you really, seriously need to get yourself to a dentist. If you explain your situation I'm sure you can get a discount.
Reply:Do you have insurance? You should really try to make it to the dentist as soon as possible. There are many dental schools that offer reduced fees on most procedures. Or see if you can set up a payment plan at a clininc.

In the mean time Ibueprofen is very effective as well as a topical such as orajel.
Reply:right now I am using clove oil on mine, if you cant get that, get ground clove mix it with some water or olive oil and rub on the gums or put it in the hole/cavity (tastes really bad but does numb it). It numbs it and helps fight bacteria that may be present. Oragel maximum strength, ice it, if you cant bare the ice put an ice pack on the outside of your face, sometimes a heating pad works too, swishing with whiskey or something high in proof, garlic relieves pain too, wheat grass. Take some Tylenol, Advil, Ibo, etc. You can look up home remedies for toothaches to get more information as well!!

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