Thursday, November 12, 2009

Could a tooth ache and cold symptoms be related?

My bottom right wisdom tooth is coming in and it is pretty painful. I'm also having pain and discomfort in my ear, nose, and throat, all on the right side. Can my tooth ache and my cold symptoms be related?

Could a tooth ache and cold symptoms be related?
Sure. Your wisdom tubes could be putting pressure on your sinus. If it's really painful I would talk to your dentist.
Reply:yes that might be the cause
Reply:Absolutely. I am dealing with an ear infection right now and the pain becomes unbearable at times and it hurts all the way to my jaw like a toothache.
Reply:Yes. It's probably ur sinuses. I have the opposite effect... If my sinuses r bothering me then my teeth start to hurt.
Reply:I am by no means a Dr but would say yes. The tooth is close enough to the sinuses that it could be causing pressure. I would think a top one would be worse.
Reply:oh yes and a fever may be yet to come hope this helpss
Reply:yes sinus pressure pushes down on your teeth

Hope this answers your question.....
Reply:sure, a sinus infection will make all sorts of things in your head hurt.
Reply:Absolutely! I've been going through it for quite some time. I cant afford to get them pulled. My nose runs, and my glands swell. VERY painfull in my case, too. It's all connected. The infection can spread to your brain if you wait too long to get it taken care of.
Reply:Yes, it sure can. If you think about it all of that area is so close that if you have any swelling it can effect everything. You should call your dentist. They will usually answer Qs over the phone for free. Maybe you should take some Ibuprofen to help with the swelling and pain. Hope you feel better!
Reply:i have the same exact problem i thought it was my wisdom tooth pain but its sinus's

u might think this is strange but it works and the pain goes right away take 2 motrin and 2 caffiene pills (200 mg) ibprofin doesnt work by it's self it feels a million times better with the caffiene

or take excedrin ( it has caffiene in it)
Reply:I know that wisdom teeth coming in can cause jaw pain that may run up through the ear, nose and throat but if its like a runny nose, sore throat then it might just be a cold
Reply:YES i am going through the same thing as we speak it is painful and miserable the only thing i have found to help is Advil
Reply:Yes in many cases it does! If there is pressure being displaced on your nasal and sinus passages than it causes these pains. Also if there is an infection in your teeth then this may also be the cause. My best bet is for you to scrub your teeth with gasoline LOL jk
Reply:defenetly i know how you feel im going through the sam thing go to the dentist you might want to et your wisdom teeth pulled out that will help
Reply:If it's a bottom tooth, there isn't a very good chance that your discomfort is related to a sinus problem. The lower jawdoes not have any sinuses--the big one is the maxillary sinus in the upper jaw(under your cheek bone.) This sounds like-and making a diagnosis based only on description is a shaky proposition--an inflamed wisdom tooth and a separate problem in the ear/nose/throat. Good luck!
Reply:yes it can.....but it doesnt always mean that it is....get it checked by a doctor make sure you dont have an infection.
Reply:Definitely these could be related! When the wisdom tooth starts coming out ,it causes a lot of changes in the mouth and upper respiratory tract (i.e.Nose,throat ,ear has an internal opening at the back part of nose).There is a sort of decrease in body resistance during this period,which causes a person to have cold like signs and symptoms.Something ,technically called as physiological change(i.e.body mechanism). But there is nothing do with the sinus,as your bottom tooth is coming out and not the upper tooth,which would have been related to the sinus,as sinus is located to both sides of nose! Try some warm saline rinsing of mouth and take a healthy and balanced diet and one B-complex vitamin tablet daily for3-4 days. Take care.

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