Thursday, November 12, 2009

My sister is complaining a tooth ache?

From the last one and a half year my sister is complaining a tooth ache. We consulted many doctors. They are saying wisdom tooth is coming out. But no such tooth has emerged yet.We are afraid is it a really gums problem or any other serious disease.Because always she complains pain suddenly and it pains severl and when she takes pain killer within two minutes the pain disappear

My sister is complaining a tooth ache?
it would take years before the wisdom tooth comes out, in my case it took about 2 years before it came out. i had thesame problem with your sister and i usually complain about it. it would really be best if you consult a local dentist to check on it coz they would know if it is really a gum problem or not. they can do an xray on the tooth to check if something is really coming out.
Reply:what do you think i'm a dentist?
Reply:If you have consulted a ORTHODONTIST, they can confirm, by ex-ray, if it the wisdom tooth. Many times that pesky back molar will actually try to emerge through the gum SIDEWAYS, pushing the next tooth, and hurting the gum tissue and nerves around it.
Reply:This sounds kinda quack but i've heard stroking the area between your thumb and index finger with ice will numb any tooth pain. Give it a try.
Reply:go to a dentist to check that tooth

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