Monday, November 16, 2009

What could cause tooth ache, ear ache, and tingling on the side of my head?

I still have my wisdom teeth, and twice now I've gotten tenderness right on the gum behind one of them. On that same side, I'd get an ear ache, and where my hair is above my ear, a tingling sensation, like when your foot falls alseep. Any ideas as to what that could be?

What could cause tooth ache, ear ache, and tingling on the side of my head?
possibly an infection
Reply:That's how my sinus infections start out. I found that 2 Tylenol and a benadryl really help with the toothache and ear ache.
Reply:I suspect that your sinuses are either blocked or maybe infected. First try an over the counter sinus medication like Tylenol for Sinuses and see if you get some relief. If not, you might have an infection and need an antibiotic which you will need to get from a doctor. It could be wisdom teeth, but that is doubtful. Good luck.
Reply:It could be a sinus infection. If you are having facial pain: just to the side of your nose where the maxillary bone is, tooth pain, lots of drainage from the nose, it may be sinus related. Tooth pain can also occur.

-Also, if you are having problems with the tooth (remaining wisdom tooth) it may be impacting into a nerve, which runs along the side of our face and branches out like a tree: (the facial nerve).

-there is also the possibility of an ear infection.

--as you can see there are some more likely possibilities--which are above.

Sinus probs more than 1 month- i prescribe my pts an antibiotic.

However, if this is dental--go see your dentist

--It may be wiser to go see your physician first and he/she will direct you further

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