Saturday, November 14, 2009

Help! i have a really bad tooth ache!!!!?

how do i get rid of a super bad tooth ache?? it really really really realy herts!

Help! i have a really bad tooth ache!!!!?
In addition to using the pain medication of your choice, sleep on an extra pillow to elevate your head. Sleep on the side that does NOT have a toothache. If that doesn't work, you can move to a recliner or the sofa so you can keep your head really elevated. This will minimize the blood flow to the area and therefore minimize the throbbing and pain. This might help you make it through the night until you can see a dentist.
Reply:Take Advil. Dentists will often prescribe a higher dose.
Reply:I hope this site will help.
Reply:call your dentist! they will either send you in as soon as they can, or call u in some antibiotics, until they can get you in. I'm just getting over one myself, i always drank water cause it temporarily helps it. but it also irritates it more. Also take tylenol/advil.
Reply:well depending on what tooth it is there are plenty of ways to make it go away, if it is in the front I would break up an aspirin and rub it on your tooth or if you smoke cigarettes take a drag and don't inhale just keep holding it in your mouth it will kill the nerve or just simply rub some alcohol on it like Jack Daniel's
Reply:you can take 800 mg of ibuprofen as a first dose and make sure you call the dentist first thing in the morning
Reply:use some Ambisol and call your dentist for an appointment.
Reply:Don't mess around not going to a dentist and just taking something over the counter meds. A tooth ache is a warning of a bad infection in your tooth. You need to get on antibotics as soon as possible and pain medication from a dentist. You will know that the tooth is really badly infected when your jaw or side of face starts to swell up. Infection is nothing to fool around with and you could infect your whole body. Get to a dentist.
Reply:Owh..poor baby!..Here is what you should do:

Firstly, to get rid of the pain pronto:

Try putting a clove on that teeth and bite..

Secondly, to get rid of the pain forever:

Make an appointment with you dentist

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